
  • Online registration deadline: 18 days before Election Day
  • Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked 18 days before Election Day
  • In person registration deadline: Available up to and including on Election Day

You can confirm your voter registration status on  Connecticut’s election website .

You can download the National Voter Registration Form from here.

All Voters:
•Photo ID with name and address
•Utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document with name and address
•Social security card
•ID with name and address, name and signature, or name and photo
•Sign a statement if no ID is presented

First-Time Voters (registered by mail after Jan 1, 2003, with a “mark” next to their name):
•Same as above or cast a provisional ballot if no ID is presented

Additional Info:
•Driver’s licenses with “NOT FOR FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION” are valid
•Drive-only licenses are not valid for voting
•IDs with photos do not need an address
•No ID? You can Sign an affidavit instead. For more info click here.

•Active military service
•Out of town or sickness on Election Day
•Religious beliefs preventing voting
•Physical disability
•Election official duties elsewhere

Application Process:
•Download and sign an absentee ballot application
•Return it to your Town Clerk
•Application can be downloaded for personal use or immediate family.

For more info click here.

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